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22 articles
What is the Social Valid score?
How does outreach work?
What are the steps to change my bio profile theme?
Where can I find my custom themes?
Can I reset my SV score?
How many passports can I have on the same account?
Can I edit my passport without verifying my identity?
What happens when I expire my passport?
What does the Link Lock feature do?
How can I add my residence to my passport?
For how long can I lock my links using the Link Lock feature?
Are there any restrictions on the amount of links I can secure using the Link Lock feature?
Is it possible for me to also secure the links I include in my Contact card using the Link Lock feature?
Can I secure my Passport using the Link Lock feature?
What kinds of information can I add to my contact card?
What's the difference between adding my socials to my Contact card and adding them to my Bio profile directly?
Can I prevent users from downloading and sharing copies of my Contact card?
If I add my home address to my Contact Card, would it be required to match the information listed on my official documents?
What is the Notable Figure badge?
Do I lose my Notable Figure badge if my followers go below the threshold?
How can I embed a video to my bio profile?
How does tipping and link monetization work?